Swing by one of our convenient locations on your way to work, school, or play:
Swing by one of our convenient locations on your way to work, school, or play:
902 S 1100 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84015
3815 S Highland Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
A pioneer in the Salt Lake City specialty coffee market, Caffe Expresso introduced the drive through coffee concept to the Salt Lake Valley in 1995. Today, we operate two stores on the east side of the Salt Lake Valley.
Each location offers a full selection of traditional “Seattle Style” coffeehouse beverages such as brewed coffee, espresso, and lattes, as well as, all your iced and blended favorites. To compliment your drink we suggest one of our sweet bakery treats or a freshly made bagel. Our Highland Drive Store also offers gourmet breakfast croissants, cooked to order.
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